Current Experience

Project Managr S&T

  • KEC International Ltd
  • Aug 2018 – Present
  • 6 yrs 6 mos

Highest Level Of Education

Institution of Permenant way Engineers

  • Diploma Railway Enginerring
  • Apr 2004 - Apr 2005

About Me

 1.Organizing, leading, managing and motivating the engineers team on a project

 2. Responsibility of Project design like SIP,CCP,CRP and TBP
Indoor drawings Like TOC, Interface circuit, Application logic circuits.
Outdoor drawings like Location drawings, CCP, CRP and TBP.

 3.Regular basis conducting teams meeting with Procurement team, Progress review meeting with subordinates
and client

 4. Identifying beyond scope of work in BOQ and Rasing Non schedule Item to client to get additional revenue from client.

 5.Coordination with Indoor Execution Agency and Client to get necessary approval for indoor activities like TSAA , Indoor
Layout plan, TOC, Interface circuits and Application Logic circuits.
 6. Budget preparation for all BOQ Execution items for preparation PO to subcontractors.

 7. Raising Procurement request for BOQ Materials thru SAP with help of Planning team.

 8. Preparation of costing sheet for Non schedule Items and Negative items to get approval from client and Management.

 9. Responsibility to conduct meeting weekly basis with project engineer and motivate them to improve progress of the
 10.Identify additional scope of work with in BOQ and getting approval from Management.

 11. Weekly basis conducting TSV (Team safety visit)with EHS team and checking Safety parameters like ensuring PPE,
 12. Responsibility of Client billing and subcontractor billing regular basis to maintain cashflow to subcontractor as well as

 13. As per client requirement, Mobilizing the resources and complete the works in time.

 14. Material assessment and getting approval from client the same will be raising MR, follow-up of PO, Call letter
and delivery of material to site as per the requirement.

 15. Arranging of vendor code, work order approval, certification of s/c executed work and payment to s/c.

 16. Preparation of Material Reconciliation, Paid Vs Claim reconciliation.

 17. Guiding engineers to prepare DPR daily basis and getting approval from client, recording measurement book,
billing the executed quantity and calming the supply materials on time.