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MGC Solutions R&D team has released 3 Rail Infrastructure monitoring devices that are game changers in the rail industry.
New thought processes around infrastructure monitoring have changed the way that technology is used to get a reliable continuose data stream into the back office.
Broken rail detector
There are numerous applications for this product, besides being an absolute must in conjunction with Axle counters in your section it can also be utilised as a predictor for level crossings.
It is also to check if a track section is clear when resetting axle counters in the section after a RRV has only triggered one counter, this alleviates the need to send a Tech out to site to make sure that the track section is clear.
Locating track anomalies such as rail breaks and short circuits and the accurate position of these anomalies.
This technology uses the rails as sensing medium. It can pinpoint the location of rail breaks and short circuits and therefore also stationary and moving trains. The detection of some thermite weld anomalies are also possible, with a resolution of less than ten meters.
This allows downtimes to be drastically reduced. In the case of track circuit faults, for example, technicians can prepare and head directly to the faulty locations instead of “walking the line” for kilometers on end, trying to establish the cause and location of the fault.
Sag Detector
The research work behind this device was prompted by the damage caused to safety-critical railway infrastructure, such as signalling points, insulated rail joints, tracks, bogies, and wheels, due to Lateral movement within the track infrastructure.
This movement is often caused by ballast wear over time, and when left unrepaired, it causes significant wear on the above and below bearer infrastructure.
To measure tiny incremental movement, devices are mounted on a train set. to verify the same point is consistently picked up, These devices are calibrated to pick up baseline variations used to identify slack in the infrastructure
and alert the train controller and maintenance team of its severity.
Due to the calibration options, alerts can be set up to lead the decision-making process to respond depending on the severity of the situation. The device can be set up to communicate with a centralized controller via GSM, satellite or Fibre systems, as
well as integrated with onboard train systems. Alarms can be are available to suit the needs of the team, with an alarm on the train, controller's desk or screen, and email or SMS alerts to all members of the maintenance and call-out team.
Track Sensors
Wayside Intelligent Longstress Management
Throughout the world Continuous Welded Rail (CWR) has revolutionised rail technology. CWR is preferred on lines with high speed, high axle loads or high traffic density.
One of the disadvantages of CWR, however, is the generation of temperature induced rail stresses. In fact, on a typical heavy haul line where CWR is used, up to 60% of all train delays can be attributed to
over stressing of the track infrastructure. For this reason, Wayside Intelligent Long-stress Management system has been developed. The aim of the system is to measure rail stress
and temperature, thereby creating real time warnings of possible rail breaks and kick-outs. This enables maintenance engineers to destress the track.
High Impact loads could lead to breaks in the rail system. Delayed customer payloads, unproductive track time, and secondary damage of equipment and track, increase costs dramatically.
In a worst case scenario, broken components can lead to derailment.
The WIMWIM comprises a wheel impact monitor, a weigh-in-motion system and skew bogie detection system. With WIMIM problems and faults are indicated before major damage or expenses can occur
Answer to dark territory upgrade for a low budget with all the safety of a sil4 rated system
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