- Introduction
- Fouling & Clearance Points
- Positioning of Insulated Joints
- Jointless Track Circuits
- Bonding of Rails
- Track Circuit Interupters
- Other Information on Bonding/Insulation Plan
NOTE: While these notes are based on the authors' understanding of railway signalling practice in New South Wales of Australia, they must not be taken to modify or replace any existing rules, instructions, or procedures of any railway administration. Where any apparent conflict exists, reference should be made to the appropriate documents produced by the administration of your Railway. This article will give fair bit of knowledge on bonding, there are numerous types of track circuits (FS2550, FS3000, CVCM, SDTC, TI21, MicroTrax). Bonding rules vary for these, and the respective manual shall be referred to. Bonding requirement for Axle counters is very limited (for Traction purpose only) and are out of scope for this article.
1. Introduction
A modem signalling installation will use many track circuits. The limits of each track circuit must be precisely defined, and the track circuit must be connected to operate safely and reliably, even through the most complex points and crossings.
In many cases this will involve the installation of insulated joints, although jointless track circuits are available to suit many applications. An insulated joint is relatively simple to provide in jointed track. The fishplate and its bolts are insulated from the rail and an "end post", a piece of insulating material of similar shape to the rail cross section, is inserted between the rail ends.
In welded rail, this operation is much more complex. Either the rail must be cut and an insulated joint inserted or a length of rail is removed and a pre-assembled joint in a section of rail is substituted. The rail is then welded. Both operations involve the adjustment of the rails to allow for internal stresses. After installation an insulated joint will generally be weaker than the rail on either side.
Therefore, although insulated joints are essential, their position must be chosen correctly, and the number of joints minimized. In addition, it may be desirable to avoid joints in positions of greatest wear, vibration, or stress on the rails. The positioning of insulated joints may often be a compromise between the requirements for an ideal track circuit and the practicalities of permanent way construction and maintenance.
For correct operation, the two rails of each track circuit must both be electrically continuous between all extremities of the track circuit. The rails must also be insulated from each other. This requirement is just as important through points and crossings as on plain line.
There should be no position within a track circuit where a vehicle can be totally undetected.
Each track circuit must operate reliably and must as far as is practical fail safe. Any normal failure mode should result in the track indicating occupation by a train.
In areas where electric traction is employed, one or both rails will be used for the return traction current. The track circuit arrangement must permit an adequate traction current return path while maintaining safe operation of track circuits.
In addition to the signalling plan, it is customary to prepare a plan showing the arrangement of the track circuits. Instead of a single line for each track, it will show each rail individually. Its main purpose is to show the bonding and insulation arrangements for all track circuits. In addition, it may show other useful information such as position of cable routes and locations, overhead structures, traction power supply connections, earth bonding and further details of the track circuit equipment.
2. Fouling & Clearance Points
Many insulated joints are positioned to prove clearance in the vicinity of points and crossings. The following terms will be used in these notes to describe the positioning of insulated joints.
The fouling point is the position at which the extremity of a vehicle on one track is clear (by an adequate margin) of a movement on a converging line. The placing of an insulated joint at this position will not, however, ensure sufficient clearance.
The clearance point is the position at which an insulated joint must be placed to ensure a vehicle stands beyond the fouling point. The distance of this from the fouling point will be determined by the longest overhang of all vehicles operating on the line.
It follows that a joint which is intended to prove clearance must be positioned beyond the clearance point. although the signalling plan is not of adequate scale to show these joints accurately the track circuit bonding plan, or insulation plan, must be of a large enough scale to do so. If necessary, critical measurements must be taken from permanent way construction drawings.
The limits of jointless track circuits cannot be precisely defined and cannot accurately determine clearance points. Even if jointless track circuit equipment is used through points and crossings, insulated joints will be needed to define clearance points and to electrically separate opposite running rails.
3. Positioning of Insulated Joints
The positioning of insulated joints must fulfil all of the following requirements:-
a) Within any track circuit, the two rails must always be of opposite.
b) Unless adjacent track circuit signals employ different frequencies, the polarity (d.c. tracks) or phase (a.c. tracks) must be opposite on each side of all insulated joints. This is equally important whether the joint separates two track circuits or the two rails of the same track circuit.
c) Where it is unavoidable to stagger block joints (i.e. they are not exactly opposite), the separation must be limited so that complete vehicles cannot remain undetected.
d) Separation of a staggered pair of joints from an adjacent pair of joints (whether staggered or not) must not result in a vehicle being undetected. Critical clearance points cannot be defined by staggered.
e) Minimum track circuit length must be greater than maximum vehicle wheel base.
f) Maximum and minimum track circuit lengths must be within the specified range of operation of the type of track circuit.
Most railways now employ a high degree of standardization of permanent way components. This will often restrict the position of insulated joints within points and crossings. Preferred positions must be used wherever possible to avoid additional cutting of rails and subsequent track maintenance. The use of these preferred positions will often result in joints being staggered. At a turnout, if there is a choice between joints in a high speed or low speed line, the low speed line is usually preferred.
In cases where electric traction employs a single rail return, joints in plain line will usually be provided in one rail only. Pairs of joints will occur however in points and crossings and where it is desired to change the traction return rail from one side to the other. The above rules for staggering will still apply.
In areas with double rail traction return, jointless track circuits must be used or joints must be provided in both rails, together with impedance bonds for continuity of traction current past the joint.
4. Jointless Track Circuits
For adjacent jointless track circuits of the same type, no joints are necessary unless clearance points must be accurately defined. For replacement of signals and defining the end of an overlap, tolerances of 5-10 metres are usually acceptable.
Adjacent jointless track circuits of the same type must be of different frequencies.
Where a jointless track circuit adjoins a jointless track circuit of a different type, block joints will usually be needed due to different operating characteristics. A filter designed to operate with one type of track circuit is unlikely to discriminate correctly between signals of a different type of track circuit.
Where any extremity of a jointless track circuit must be accurately positioned for clearance purposes, insulated joints must be provided.
5. Bonding of Rails
Each rail must be bonded to give electrical continuity throughout the track circuit. The arrangement of bonding may be dependent on traction power supply arrangements.
For fail safe operation feed/transmitter connections must be at one extremity of the track circuit and relay/receiver at the other. Between the feed and relay connections, the bonding must as far as possible be fail safe.
If the rails are not welded together or otherwise bonded (e.g. for traction current) the signal engineer must provide adequate bonding throughout the length of the track circuit.
The safest way of bonding the rails together is in series. On plain line this is the only practical method of bonding so no problems will arise. Within points and crossings, all track circuits will have additional branches which must also be bonded. All sections of a track circuit should still be bonded in series, but this may not be possible in all cases due to traction requirements. A certain amount of parallel bonding may be necessary.
Figures 2 & 3 below demonstrate the difference between series and parallel bonding. In Figure 2, the rails in the turnout are parallel bonded. A break in any bond or rail in this section of track could leave a vehicle undetected - the track circuit will indicate clear when a train is standing on part of it. If the connections are rearranged as in the Figure 3, only very short sections of rail are now parallel bonded. Other than in these short sections, a break in a bond or a rail will cause the relay to drop, indicating an occupied track.
Even in non-electrified areas, there will always be short branches of a track circuit which. cannot be connected in series (e.g. where the switch and stock rail adjoin). When the arrangement of track circuit bonding and insulation is being designed, the length of these branches should be kept as short as possible.
5.1 Non-electrified Areas
It is usual, although not essential , to install insulated joints in both rails where electric traction is not used. In this case, series bonding should be employed throughout. To maximise the amount of series bonding, certain portions of rail through points and crossings may be common to two adjacent track circuits. In general, this should not cause a problem but in complex track layouts, the bonding and insulation must be checked very carefully to ensure that the use of a common rail between several nearby pairs of track circuits does not provide an electrical path for false operation of a track circuit and does not cause any track circuit to be shunted by trains outside its limits. Refer FIGURE 4 for a Track Circuit Sharing a common rail.
5.2. Single Rail Traction Return
On many electrified lines, particularly those with a high voltage a.c. supply; traction return is via one rail only. The signal engineer still has exclusive use of the other rail. The two rails are normally designated the signalling rail and the traction rail. Of course, the signalling equipment must always use both rails.
Track circuits connected in this way are described as single rail track circuits.
The signalling rail will be series bonded. The traction rail must be connected to give the lowest impedance path back to the feeder station. Track circuits should be connected so that as much as possible of the traction rail bonding is in series. Often, however, parallel bonding must be accepted in the traction rail.
A typical example of bonding for a single rail track circuit is shown on Figure 5. The signalling rail is connected to provide the maximum amount of series bonding. The traction rail shows a significant amount of parallel bonding.
5.3 Double Rail Traction Return
On Some lines, particularly those with d.c. traction, a lower supply voltage increases the traction current. This will often require both rails to be used for traction return. Track circuits must therefore operate safely and reliably while sharing both rails with the much larger traction currents.
To allow traction currents to pass conventional insulated joints, impedance bonds are used. Where two double rail tracks adjoin, the centre connections of the two impedance bonds are joined together. The ends of each coil are connected to the rails on either side.
Where a double rail track circuit is of a jointless type, impedance bonds are not normally needed where tracks of the same type adjoin. At the end of a section containing a number of jointless track circuits, insulated joints are usually required and an impedance bond (resonated to the track circuit frequency) will be needed to pass the current around the insulated joint.
Impedance bonds are also needed wherever the traction return must be connected to the supply at a feeder point and where adjacent roads are bonded together to reduce the impedance of the return path.
Plain line track circuits are inherently series bonded. Through points and crossings, however, if the double rail traction return is to be continuous, a proportion of parallel bonding is required.
Although it prevents proof of continuity of the track circuit and its bonding, parallel bonding must be accepted as the only means of providing a low impedance traction return. Additional security is usually given by duplicating some or all of the rail-to-rail bonds (which of course will all be traction bonds and must consist of a suitably sized conductor). Even in series bonded sections of rail, bonds or jumpers are often duplicated for reliability reasons. It must be remembered that maintenance routines must include regular checking of the integrity of these bonds because the disconnection of a single bond will not become evident as a track failure. Refer Figure 6 for Double Rail Track Circuit with Parallel bonding.
5.4. Transition Between Single & Double Rail
At the end of double rail sections, where they adjoin single rail track circuits, insulated joints will be required in both rails. An impedance bond will generally be needed for the double rail track. Its centre connection in this case will be bonded to the traction rail of the single rail track circuit. Refer Figure 7 for Typical Connections Between Single and Double Rail Track circuits.
Where double rail tracks are in general use, even a small section of single rail return will increase the impedance of the traction return path. Single rail tracks in this situation are kept as short as possible. In some cases, two separate track circuits may be provided where a long track includes both points and plain line, even if one single rail track circuit could perform adequately over the total distance.
6. Track Circuit Interrupters
Track circuit interrupters are used to detect that a train has been derailed by a set of catch (trap) points by maintaining the track in the occupied state. The reason for this is that a derailed vehicle may be completely clear of the rails while still in a position which would be foul of other movements.
If track circuit interrupters are provided, the following rules will generally apply to the track circuit bonding: -
a) The track circuit interrupter will be insulated from the rail upon which it is mounted.
b) It will be bonded in series with the opposite rail to the one upon which it is mounted.
c) Traction current should not pass through the track circuit interrupter. If mounted on a double rail track circuit, the interrupter must be connected in a separate circuit. A contact of the interrupter repeat relay must be included to cut the TPR circuit of its associated track.
7. Other Information on Bonding/Insulation Plan
The bonding or insulation plan will often show other additional information such as:-
a) Position of overhead electrification structures.
b) Bonding between overhead structures and traction return rails.
c) Positions of locations, cable routes and signal structures.
Note : Please comment in the query section ,if you wish to discuss about Bonding for Track Circuits like FS2500/FS3000, CVCM ,SDTC,TI21 etc on real layout .
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