- Introduction
- Theoretical Headways
- Practical Headways
- Headway Charts
- Producing a Headway Chart
- Station Stops
- Speed Restrictions & Junctions
- Gradients
- Varying Train Speeds
- Single Lines
- Terminal Stations
The prime function of a signalling system ,irrespective of fixed block or moving block is to protect trains so that they run safely, including maintenance of a safe distance between following trains. Design headway can be defined as the theoretical time separation between two Trains travelling in the same direction on the same track. It is calculated from the time the head-end of the leading Train passes a given reference point to the time the head-end of the following Train passes the same reference point.The run profile for both trains shall be the minimum run time that the rollingstock and track conditions permit. For a fixed block signalling once the signals have been positioned, this minimum distance has effectively been fixed. This in tum governs the capacity of the line, or how many trains per hour can use it,whereas for a moving block headway is the minimum distance can be maintained between two moving block (Rollingstock) with a safety margin. Refer figure 1 below
Figure 1 Head way of Moving block system
It would be ideal to learn the headway with a fixed block signalling.Line capacity is derived from the minimum headway time between trains. Although this can be deduced mathematically from a knowledge of Signalling Principles and Equations of Motion, it is very laborious and time-consuming to go through these calculations for every signal, although it is often useful to do so for a rough assessment and to examine any critical sections.
In practice, the headway time is often found graphically, by producing a HEADWAY CHART, or time-distance-speed curve. These are often drawn for lines where headways are important, such as those with an intensive service or major junctions or termini. On the majority of lines fitted with 4 aspect signalling, the headway provided is usually much better than actually required, so a headway chart for the whole line is unnecessary. However, it is still important to have an appreciation of those factors which affect line capacity when signalling a layout.
Additionally, headways are often adversely affected if the trains do not actually behave according to the simplified theoretical performance assumed when positioning the signals. This section will also examine some of the problems which arise and suggest possible solutions.
Although the problems of optimising headway have been known to the signal engineer for many years, after introduction of computers that most engineers have had readily available computer aided design facilities and problem solving. The solution of headway problems is well suited to the application of computers. The details of signals, gradients, speed restrictions and the other geographical features of the railway can be held on a database. Train performance generally follows fairly simple mathematical equations.
Given the correct data, computer simulations of the passage of trains along the line may be performed very quickly, providing the signal engineer with an accurate output of the headway at each signal.
However, it is important that the engineer understands how these results are derived. These notes will therefore concentrate on the graphical calculation of headways.
The headway time of a given line can be calculated theoretically by the equations:
From the 3 basic equations of motion:
we can derive the relationship:
where B is the braking rate, and D the braking distance.
Substituting this in the 3 aspect headway formula, for example, gives
To understand how the headway varies with train speed, we will use the second of the above expressions. It consists of two parts. Both have units of time (normally seconds).
The first part (V/B) represents the time taken to cover two signal sections. As braking distance (which determines signal spacing) increases in proportion to the square of the speed and time taken to cover a given distance is inversely proportional to speed, the resultant time increases directly in proportion to speed. If we could ignore factors such as train length, overlaps and sighting distance, a headway could always be improved to the required value by reducing the speed.
This is however offset by the second part of the expression, (S+O+L)/V, which represents the time for the train to traverse a distance equal to the sum of the overlap, the sighting distance and the length of the train. This distance is usually fairly constant (although sighting and overlaps can be reduced to a limited extent at low speed). The time taken therefore reduces as the speed of the train increases.
Figure 2 Headway-Line speed
As V/B increases, (S+O+L)/V decreases. There is therefore an optimum speed at which the headway is at a minimum. Increasing or decreasing this speed will reduce line capacity. Figure 2 shows this effect. It can be shown mathematically that the best possible headway is defined by the equation:-
At low speeds, train length, overlap and sighting distances dominate the value of the headway. At higher speeds, the time to traverse the required number of signal sections will be the most significant. However, in practice, the signal engineer is usually presented with a situation where these factors, particularly the line speed and the braking performance of the trains, have all been previously decided. This theoretical treatment should nevertheless assist in the understanding of specific situations.
The equations and formulae we have dealt with so far are for the very simple case of two identical trains running at the same constant speed as each other, with signals placed at ideal positions for headway purposes.
In practice these are unrealistic assumptions, and the headway of a line is affected by:-
- station stops
- speed restrictions
- signal positioning constraints
- different types/speeds of trains
- trains travelling at less than line
To calculate the headway mathematically, taking all these factors into account would be very time consuming. It would be necessary to calculate the headway time individually for each signal to find the "worst case".
For the level of accuracy required, the use of graphical techniques (the headway chart) will usually produce a solution more quickly.
It is also possible to perform the same calculations with the aid of a computer. To ensure a thorough understanding, this section will concentrate on graphical solutions.
Some of the diagrams refer to British signal aspects. The Australian equivalents are:-
The headway chart, or time-distance-speed curve, is a plot of the train's position against time, from which headways can be measured directly. Where the headway times achieved do not meet the Operators' requirements, then the positions of signals may be adjusted by eye, or extra intermediate signals added, provided that braking distances are not infringed.
Ideally, signals should be spaced to give equal headways, even where the "worst case" is better than that required, to avoid creating a "bottleneck".
The chart is drawn with distance along the horizontal (x) axis, and time along the vertical (y) axis. It is once again important to use consistent units throughout, time in seconds and distance in meters. A train travelling at constant speed is therefore represented by a straight line, the higher the speed the closer the line becomes to the horizontal, while a stationary train is represented as a vertical line. A plot of a train running at constant speed, stopping at a station, and then accelerating away again to reach the same speed as before would look like in figure 3 & 4
Figure 3 Time- Distance Graph
Figure 4 Time -Distance Graph
5.1 The horizontal and vertical scales are drawn, with the position of signals shown on the horizontal scale. Ends of overlaps, stations and any significant speed restrictions are also drawn.
5.2 The path of a train is then plotted on the chart. This may be done using point-to-point times (where known), or by assuming that the train will travel at the maximum permitted or attainable
Suitable time should be allowed for a station stop. If the timetable shows this information, it should be used, otherwise 30 seconds is probably a reasonable assumption. It is very important to obtain accurate information. Remember that at the busiest times of day, when the shortest headway will be needed , trains often take longer to load and unload when much larger numbers of passengers are travelling.
Accelerations and decelerations are curved plots, calculated from S=at²/2, often drawn on a template or stencil, while constant speed is a straight line calculated from S =vt.The time/distance curve is constructed by joining the acceleration/deceleration curves together with the constant speed lines, ensuring that the transition from one curve/line to another occurs at points of equal speed.
5.3 Having drawn the curve, you should check that the line speed and other speed restrictions have not been
5.4 For headway purposes, it is necessary to show both the front and rear of the train, so an identical curve is then drawn for the rear of the train, displaced horizontally a scale train length in rear of the first
5.5 The headway distance for a 3 aspect signal is from its sighting point to when the rear of the previous train clears the overlap beyond the appropriate signal in advance. Rather than calculate how long it would take for a train to cover this distance, we can read the headway time directly from the chart.
From the sighting point of each signal project a horizontal line forward to the end of the overlap beyond the headway signal, and then measure the running time vertically from this line to the REAR of the train. It is usual on a headway chart to show the sighting allowance as a time (10 seconds) rather than a distance, although it is a simple matter to measure off a distance if preferred for a particular situation.
5.6 This process is repeated for each signal, and the headway time for each aspect noted on the horizontal line from that signal.
Figure 5 Headway Plotted Curve
5.7 The headway of the line is then given by the worst-case signal For non-stop services the headway on clear aspects is always quoted, but if lower speed stopping services can in practice run at their normal speed on double yellow (medium) aspects, then that headway may often be quoted. In addition, there is generally no objection to stopping trains entering a platform on a caution aspect (i.e. platform starter at red/stop), but the platform "starting" signal should permit a train to make an unrestricted departure after the station stop ,ideally showing green/clear before the train is due to leave.
Separate curves are often plotted for stopping and non-stopping services.
5.8 When quoting headway times from a chart, you should make allowance for errors in plotting the curves and intersections, for the reaction time of signalmen, and for the fact that in practice drivers do not make a uniform brake application but reduce speed in stages. An allowance of typically 25% is often added to the derived values to take these and other factors into
Considering the headway chart for stopping trains, we see that:-
6.1 Providing a platform "starting" signal allows signals in rear of the station to clear as quickly as possible when a train ·
6.2 The headways of signals in rear of the station include the braking period, the stopping time, and at least a portion of the acceleration Any signal which includes any of these factors in its headway should be located as close to the station as possible to keep the headway figure down.
6.3 Similarly, any signals in advance should be located as close to the station as possible, if they control the headways of signals approaching the station.
In severe cases, if the stopping headway is most critical, it may be necessary to impose speed restrictions on the approach to a station in order to close up the signals sufficiently.
Where conditional caution or low speed aspects are provided (with reduced overlaps), the clearance of the signal should be measured from the point at which the rear of the train clears the reduced overlap. It must be remembered that a separate curve may need to be drawn to take account of the speed reduction due to the approach control.
6.4 It is very often the case that 4 aspect signalling is necessary to provide adequate headway for station stops even though 3 aspect would have been satisfactory for non-stopping
Speed restrictions at junctions and on plain line have a similar but less marked effect than station stops. When a train slows down for a speed restriction, any following train will still be travelling at full line speed and so will tend to catch up with the train ahead. If the speed restriction is severe, this can have a serious affect on headways.
As with station stops, it is desirable to have the signals either side of the restriction spaced closer together. Signals can be closer together after the restriction because the maximum attainable speed is less, but on the approach side braking for full line speed must be maintained.
Temporary speed restrictions can have a serious effect on headways and line capacity, particularly as the speeds imposed are often low. Unfortunately, the signal engineer has little control over temporary speed restrictions. In severe cases, the imposition of a temporary speed restriction can make a timetable based on normal line speeds unworkable. This is another good reason why the headway provided should always be better than that required by the operators.
Signals will generally need to be spaced further apart on falling gradients because of the greater braking This will increase the headway and thus reduce line capacity.
On rising gradients, the braking distances (and therefore signal spacing) will be reduced, which may improve the headway, but train speeds may also be reduced by the gradient, making line speed unattainable. The effect on headways may be particularly noticeable if the speeds of some trains are more reduced than others (e.g. heavy freight trains on rising gradients).
So far we have only considered the headways between similar trains. However, if a line is used by both fast and slow, or stopping and non-stop services, this can have a marked effect on line capacity. Fast trains will "catch up" slower trains ahead, while a slow train starting out closely behind a faster train will follow a progressively larger distance behind as it travels down the line. This effectively makes some of the line capacity unusable.
Either trains must be timetabled so that the "catching up" does not occur or faster trains will have their speed reduced and journey time extended by a slower train ahead. There is thus a compromise between line capacity and the attainable speed of the faster trains.
Consider the case of two passenger trains running at 90 km/h over a 30 km section of line, with an intervening 60 km/h freight train.
Figure 6 Time -Distance Graph
The freight train will take 10 mins. longer than the faster passenger trains, so if the headway of the line is 2 mins, then the "fast to slow" headway will be 12 mins. Mixing dissimilar services in this way can lead to a very low line capacity. The situation can be improved by either running similar trains together in groups ("flights"), or by providing loops or sections with additional running lines to allow slower trains to be overtaken. The best line capacities are always obtained on those lines where all trains perform identically.
10.1. Calculation of maximum capacity
The maximum number of trains that can use a single line is set by the number of crossing(passing) loops:
Figure 7 Single Line with Passing Loops
The capacity of a single line is set by the spacing between loops. If the loops are not equidistant, then trains will be delayed awaiting entry to the longest single-line section, which will determine the minimum headway for the whole line.
Figure 8 Passing loop case
In the example in Figure 8 , once train A has cleared the section, train B has to travel a distance (d + D + S + L) before train C can follow A, which sets the minimum crossing time between trains in alternate directions. The headway between following trains on an alternating service will be twice this time.
10.2 Additional Factors
If trains have to stop at the crossing loops, this can increase the crossing times due to the delay in accelerating and decelerating. For trains to run through a loop without significantly reducing speed, we must ensure:
- The Loop is long enough
- Running times between loops are as near as possible the same for each
- Signals are suitably positioned with free overlaps.
- The method of signalling does not require trains to stop (eg to exchange tokens).
Unfortunately, it is often the case that loops and stations occur together, so trains are required to stop anyway.
10.3 Single Line Section on a Double Line Railway
Where a stretch of single line is necessary in an otherwise double line, this can seriously affect the capacity of the line. However, this effect can be minimised by providing extra signals at line headway throughout the single line section, and "flighting" groups of trains through in each direction. For example, if the crossing time is 15 mins, then 4 trains per hour can be run on .an alternating service; however, if it is possible to run trains in flights with a 5 minute headway between trains, then 6 trains per hour can be achieved with 2 trains per flight, or 8 trains per hour with 4 trains per flight.
10.4 Effect of Gradients
Many single lines occur in rural and/or mountainous areas where steep gradients prevail.
Gradients can affect both line capacity and the speed of trains. Let us examine a line with ideally spaced (equidistant) passing loops operating at or near full capacity, with a train passing one in the opposite direction every time it reaches a passing loop.
The line is on a severe gradient and it takes 10 minutes for a train to clear a single line section downhill but 15 minutes for a train going uphill. Although the downhill train may reach the next passing loop in a shorter time it cannot proceed further as there is a train in the single line section coming the other way. The effective capacity of the line is therefore only 2 trains per hour. In addition, the effective speed of the downhill train is no better than that of the uphill train. It simply spends more time waiting at passing loops.
The only solution to this problem, where it is necessary for the capacity of the line and the speed of the trains and can be financially justified, is to provide additional lengths of double track over the most critical sections. These will generally be those with long continuous gradients in one direction.
The capacity of lines entering and leaving a terminal station should ideally be twice that of the main lines served by the station. This is because some arriving movements will completely block the station approach to departing movements and vice-versa (Refer Figure 9). In practice, it may not be possible to provide this capacity. Careful planning of the timetable to maximise the number of parallel arriving and departing movements may give some improvement. However, if a terminal station is operating near to its maximum capacity, late running of a small number of trains can quickly disrupt the entire service.
Figure 9
11.1 Signals Approaching the Station
At most busy stations the signalman will only be able to set an incoming route shortly before the arrival of the train. To keep trains moving, the driver should see the most favorable aspects possible on the approach to the station. The final signal will of course always be a single yellow. If possible, speed restrictions which reflect the actual attainable speeds should be applied on the approach to the station to permit the closest possible signal spacing. Remember that all trains will be braking in order to stop .at the terminus.
On the layout shown in figure 9 , assuming 3 aspect signals approaching the terminus the headway from the signal in rear of signal 2 will be determined by the time taken for the rear of the train to clear the relevant points (103 for the move shown if the following train is destined for platforms 1,2 or 3, 100 for platform 4). However, this time may vary significantly for each platform. The worst case should be used.
11.2 Signals Leaving the Station
Platform starting signals are invariably provided. For braking purposes, the first signal after leaving the station can be as close as necessary to the platform starting signals as all trains will be starting from a stand.
For operating convenience, the next signal should be at least a train length beyond the platform ends (so that trains will always completely clear the platform on departure). If possible there should be standing room for the longest · train clear of all points and crossings. Another platform starting signal cannot be cleared until the rear of a departing train has cleared the overlap of this signal. Headway requirements may have to override the desire to provide standing room.
Platform starting signals are usually 3 aspect (making the first TWO signal sections 3 aspect). This increases the likelihood of a train departing with an unrestricted green (clear) signal and clearing the station as quickly as possible. A more restrictive aspect might encourage the driver to make a slower departure and is not in any case necessary for braking.
The spacing of the first few signals leaving the station should be as close as possible. Speed restrictions based upon the attainable speed of the trains rather than the design speed of the track will enable the signals to be more closely spaced.
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