Control Tables express the conditions for the setting of routes, clearing of signals and the setting and locking of points and ground-frames.
They are a vital part of the specification of any signalling installation (in conjunction with the signalling plan).
They specify precisely the controls applicable to all signals, points and other signalling functions. They are the starting point for detailed design and the main reference documents for testing.
Control tables may be presented in a variety of different formats.
Although a railway administration may at one time standardise on a particular format, requirements change over a period of time.
It is quite normal to find several different formats in current use (although for different installations).
Although control tables are essentially written documents, they are frequently produced as drawings on a large page containing several routes or points one above the other.
Alternatively there are many advantages in using a small page size with only one route or one set of points per page.
This section of the course will often show several sets of controls on a page within the notes to assist understanding and comparison. For practice work, separate pages for each function will be used.
Two main types of control tables will be used. The first giving the conditions for the operation of signals and the second giving the conditions for operation of points.
There may also be a need for various other specialised types of control table, e.g. for automatic signals, ground frames, level crossings etc. These will not generally be covered
here, although reference may be made to some of them in other section,s.
Note :Detailed explanations are made with respect to the real track layout below (Bakaburke Junction -Figure 1 )
LHCT_Left Hand Caution Turnout
RHMT-Right Hand Medium Turnout
Table 1 -Route Table for Signal 24
Details of entries will be at the bottom of this article.
2.1 Types of Route
Each route may be one of two types:-
a) Main Routes (M)
A main route extends from one running signal to the next running signal or to the buffer stops at a terminal station.
A route Leading up to another running signal will include a further margin beyond that signal, known as the overlap.
b) Shunt Routes (S)
A shunt route is one which allows for a shunting or other low speed movement which is not already provided for by running signals, or where the route may possibly be occupied by another train.
This includes entry to and exit from sidings, and wrong-line movements.
Where passenger trains are required to enter occupied sections of track, some railway administrations classify such routes separately as calling-on routes. TfNSW (Transport for New South Wales ) does not make such a distinction.
2.2 Naming of Routes
Routes are named after the signal from which they apply (the entrance or start signal for the route). If a signal has more than one route, each must be uniquely identified.
This will normally be by a letter or number suffix. In these notes, letters will be used with the left-band route labelled A and the remainder consecutively B,C,D etc. in geographical order, according to destination.
Alternative routes to the same destination are identified by adding -1, -2, etc. to the route letter. The exit (or finish) of the route will be shown on the control table. ·
If there is more than one type of route from a . signal, then the type is indicated by a distinguishing letter in brackets after the number, i.e. (M) or (S). These routes should already be defined on the signalling plan.
EXAMPLES (Refer with respect to Figure 1)
A main route proves that the section from one running signal to the next is clear and in addition proves that the overlap beyond is also clear.
The overlap will be marked on the plan. Determination of the length of the overlap has already been dealt with in the "Signalling a Layout" section.
The overlap, and the controls associated with it will vary according to whether or not trainstops are fitted.
Signal controls are required at two distinct levels. The interlocking controls are those conditions which must be present to allow a route to be set.
The aspect controls are those which permit the signal to show a proceed indication after the route has been set and locked.
Setting of
Assuming a route setting system of interlocking, we must list all the points which will be set and locked when the route is selected.
These are interlocking controls. If any of the required points are locked in the position opposite to that specified, the route will fail to set.
To set a main route,the points must be lying in the correct position or free to move. The detection of the same points will generally appear in the aspect controls.
Trailing points in an overlap are also set, locked and detected in the same way as points in the route. However, facing points in the overlap which give a choice of possible overlaps are not usually locked.
This allows the overlap to be "swung", for example when setting the route on ahead from the exit signal.
3.2 Locking of Opposing Routes
The interlocking controls require that no opposing routes have been set. Where a signal has more than one type of route, the setting of one route will lock out any other to the same destination.
All these routes will be listed under "routes normal" in the signal control table.
An opposing route may pass through all or any part of the route to be set, or its overlap.
3.3 Track Circuits
All track circuits in the route (and to the end of the overlap) are proved clear in the signal aspect controls. The first track in the route places the signal to danger and prevents it from reclearing automatically.
It is designated as the Lever Stick track.
Track circuits are NOT proved clear in the route setting controls, in order to allow the signalman to reoperate the route for a following train without having to wait for the first train to clear the section.
3.4 Displayed Aspect
All the aspect controls described so far will permit the signal to display its most restrictive main running aspect for that route (including Low speed where applicable).
Clearance to other less restrictive aspects will generally depend on the signal ahead, as shown in the "further aspects" line of the signal controls.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
3.5 Foul Track Circuits
When a track circuit is not in the direct line of a signal route (or overlap), but one of its extremities is within the required clearance point for that route, then the track circuit is said to be foul of the route.
It is unsafe to allow a train to proceed if any foul track circuit is occupied. Most foul track circuits can be included in the point controls to prevent the points aligning for the foul route.
If this is not possible, the foul track circuit should be proved clear in the signal aspect controls.
If the foul track is conditional on the position of other points, it may be possible to set those points to the position which excludes the foul track circuit.
This should only be done if it does not restrict the setting of other routes. The two ends of a crossover are an example of excluding a foul track by the setting of points.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
3.6 Flank Protection
Flank protection is the proving of additional track circuits and/or setting of points to protect the route from irregular converging movements, i.e. to protect the flanks of the route.
Diversionary flank protection by points not in the route should only be provided if it can be achieved simply, and without inhibiting other valid routes.
The proof of track circuits clear from the line of route back along each converging route as far as the first protecting signal provides protection against overruns.
It also increases the impact of track circuit failures and can be restrictive on some other legitimate moves.
It also provides no protection at the time it is most needed - after the train has passed the signal. An example would be the inclusion of 10A track in No. 8 signal aspect.
This type of flank protection is not now generally favoured.
Setting and locking the points in the converging line to a position which will divert an unauthorised converging movement away from the legitimate route is simpler and more effective.
This protection should be provided where it does not restrict other permissible traffic movements.
The most important use of this protection is for the setting of trap (catch) points protecting siding or lines which are unsignalled or where vehicles may be stabled unattended.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
3.7 Junction Signalling
Where a purely speed signalling system is used junction signalling is handled simply by the use of appropriate aspect corresponding to the required reduction in speed.
The driver will be given advance warning that he is to take a slower speed route by the display of an appropriate aspect at the signal in rear of the junction signal.
Information on the precise route is not essential.
TfNSW (Transport For New South Wales) signal aspects do not imply a specific speed but the usual practice is to display a medium caution at the signal in rear of a junction signal showing any turnout aspect.
This would be a pulsating yellow for single light signals and green over yellow for double light signals.
The junction signal itself will display a caution turnout aspect if the signal ahead (the next signal after the junction) is at stop or a medium turnout if the next signal ahead shows a caution or other less restrictive aspect.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
Other route signalling systems may not provide any indication of the turnout route at the previous signal.
In this case, the application of approach control to the junction signal is used to regulate trains to the appropriate speed for the turnout route.
The approach release may be either from stop or from caution, depending on·the turnout speed. There are two potential problems with this method of junction signalling.
a) If the sighting of the junction signal is restricted, trains speed may be reduced to a lower speed than the turnout speed.
If trains of widely
differing speed and braking
characteristics use the line,
approach release from stop may be
too restrictive to slower
but approach
release from caution may permit
faster trains to take the turnout at
excessive speed.
The BR system of junction signalling now employs additional aspects to give an advance indication of the junction at the signal in rear, especially where the line is used by trains with widely differing braking characteristics.
The junction signal will release to a less restrictive aspect when the train is within sighting distance of the junction indicator on the junction signal.
This control may use an existing conveniently placed track circuit or, if no suitable joint exists, timed occupation of the track circuit.
Additional tracks are not provided for the specific purpose of approach control - the provision of a timer is considerably cheaper than a set of insulated joints.
This also avoids drivers regularly anticipating the signal clearing when the train reaches a particular block-joint.
It will also provide an earlier release for a slower train - this could be of benefit to heavy freight trains where it may take several seconds for brakes to release.
3.8 Trainstops
TfNSW started rolling out ATP with ETCS levels ,Trainstops are decommisinoned ,but for the sake of learning its mentioned here
Where trainstops are provided, the signal control tables must show their operation in association with the signal.
The trainstop associated with a main signal will be lowered when all aspect controls are present and proved down before the signal shows a proceed aspect.
On replacement of the signal to danger, the trainstop is proved to have returned to the raised position before another route can be set up to the signal.
On reversible lines, trainstops within the route intended for the opposite direction of traffic must be lowered (trainstop suppression) until the rear of the train has passed.
Controls must also be shown for intermediate trainstops, not located at a signal.
The lowering of such trainstops will normally be permitted by the signal ahead showing a proceed aspect or the timed occupation of the approach track circuit.
Shunt routes are used for shunting and other slow-speed movements, e.g. into or out of sidings or for movements when the route ahead is not necessarily clear.
Any route to or from a shunt signal (including limit of Shunt signals) is classed as a shunt route. A shunt route from a signal which can also display main route is set with an alternative entrance button on the panel.
A dwarf colour light or position light signal displaying a yellow aspect is given for shunt routes. Stencil route indicators are generally provided for shunt routes if there is more than one route from the signal.
A route indicator is always provided for a wrong road movement. Where a route indicator is provided, it is not usually proved alight as all routes must be indicated.
Where a shunt route is set from a main signal, a subsidiary yellow light is provided below the main signal aspect. This may also have a route indicator as above.
Shunt routes prove all points in the route, but do not necessarily prove track circuits clear. The first track circuit in the route is normally included as this provides the lever stick feature.
Shunt routes are normally provided with an overlap of 100 metres clear of other fouling moves. Unlike main routes, however, track circuits are not proved clear.
Wherever possible, this overlap is achieved by setting and locking trailing points.
TfNSW does not provide shunting or subsidiary signals with "last wheel" replacement. Signal replacement is always by occupation of the lever stick track(Birth Track) .
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
When signalling trains into partially occupied station platforms, TfNSW does not require the train length to be measured before clearance of the signal.
Where a preset or facing shunt is situated in a main route reference should be made to this in both control tables.
The main route should be shown as setting the shunt signal and proving it cleared while the shunt route should be shown as being preset by the main route.
Once a signal has been cleared, the route must not be released if the signal is restored to danger in front of the approaching train, unless certain safeguards are taken.
This is enforced by applying Approach locking to the route.
In simple cases, a signal will become approach locked as soon as it has been cleared.
However, in most cases this arrangement would cause unacceptable delay,
so it is arranged that the interlocking looks back for an approaching train and the signal will only become approach locked when it is cleared AND a train is detected occupying an approach track.
If no
train is detected approaching, the
route will release immediately the
signal is replaced to danger. This
is called "comprehensive approach
Once a signal has become approach locked, the route can only be released by either:
a) The train entering the route (it then locks the remainder of the route by its presence.)
b) A suitable time delay sufficient to ensure that an approaching train has either come to a stand or entered the route (in which case the remainder of the route will be held by route locking).
5.1. Release by Train Entering Route
The passage of a train into the route is proven by the simultaneous occupation of the two track circuits immediately beyond the signal in conjunction with proving of the power off timer.
The power off timer proving provides a delay in operation of approach locking releases following a power supply failure which would cause track circuit repeat relays to drop.
This safeguards against a false release being given when power is restored.
Other systems often enhance this approach lock release by proving sequential operation of track circuits usually the 1st and 2nd tracks past the signal occupied together followed by the clearing of the 1st track.
This is done to ensure that a block joint failure between the two tracks concerned, causing both tracks to drop, does not give a premature release of the approach locking.
A further safeguard is often included by providing a stick feature on the approach tracks such that once the approach locking tracks have been occupied by the approaching train and the approach locking has become effective, then the locking cannot be released by clearance of the approach tracks.
This ensures that the approach locking is not released by a track circuit picking under a train due to bad rail conditions or poorly adjusted track circuits etc.
5.2. Release After Time Delay
The delay applied before a route is freed if the train does not proceed through the route is intended to give time for the approaching train to be brought under control.
For a main aspect the release time is generally 120 seconds and 60 seconds for a shunt signal. However each case should be considered carefully as in some cases a different time may be required.
example, 120 seconds for terminal
platform starting signals may be
unnecessarily restrictive and where
the distance back to ' the previous
signal is long 120 seconds may
be insufficient to prove that the
train has been brought under
The same approach
locking is usually applied to all
routes from a signal, so a
subsidiary signal will have the same
time delay as its associated main
This is a purely practical consideration to avoid the expense of providing more than one approach lock timer on any signal.
This need not be the case with Computer Based lnterlockings as no separate hardware is necessary.
5.3. Operation of Comprehensive Approach Locking
This becomes effective when the driver of an approaching train is likely to have seen a proceed aspect on the signal being replaced, or has seen aspects of previous signals which would lead him to expect to see a proceed aspect on that signal.
Comprehensive approach locking looks back at the approach track circuits. For shunt signals it is usually only necessary to look back at the berth track circuit, provided it is at least 200m long. However, for running signals it is necessary to look back at least as far as the sighting point of the earliest signal whose aspect is affected by the replacement. For signals with only a caution aspect in rear this will involve looking back at the section in rear of the previous signal, but where a signal has a medium caution and caution aspects in rear this will involve looking back at the sections in rear of the previous two signals.
Often these approach tracks will be conditional on one or both of the following factors:-
a) A train being routed up to the replaced signal. This will depend on the lie of points. Facing points will exclude the approach if set for another route.
b) The signals approaching the replaced signal displaying a proceed aspect. If the previous signal is at red (and free of approach locking) then it is not necessary to look back at the section in rear of it.
c) The existence of the appropriate track circuits. Signals reading out of non-track circuited sidings will not have any approach track circuits.
These signals will therefore be approach locked when cleared. As there is no means of detecting an approaching train it must be assumed, for safe operation, that a train is always approaching.
Route Normalisation
Route normalisation is provided at certain interlockings to release the route automatically.
It operates once the train bas passed the signal and the approach locking bas released, provided that no other train is approaching the signal.
Such a facility reduces the signalman's workload by removing the need to cancel most routes after use. If any form of automatic route setting is introduced, automatic normalisation must be provided on all associated routes.
As the normalisation of the route will release the interlocking on other routes and points, it is important that safeguards are provided against the momentary irregular operation of a track circuit releasing a route ahead of an approaching train.
It is therefore usual to use the same "look back" controls as the comprehensive approach locking to prove, in addition to the train passing the signal by operation of the approach locking tracks, that no train is approaching the signal at the time normalisation is initiated.
This condition may need to be relaxed at terminal and other platforms where trains may divide, if Route Normalisation is required to operate for the first half of the train to depart. One option is to include additional sequential track circuit operation beyond the normal approach lock release tracks as an alternative to the "no train approaching" condition.
Where there is an automatic signal in rear, then the "look back" controls may detect a second train approaching behind the automatic signal, and so inhibit the route from releasing behind the first train. In this case the look back controls behind the first automatic signal are suppressed, once the automatic signal has been replaced by the passage of each train.
6.1 Point Setting
Point Control Tables contain the conditions which allow points to be operated and locked normal or reverse.
The "Set and Locked by Routes" entry area contains all routes that require the setting and locking of the points, whether they be in the route, in the overlap, or providing flank protection.
An important check in the preparation of control tables is that the routes appearing in this portion of the table include the setting of the points in their own route control tables.
6.2 Track Controls on Points
The "Tracks Locking" entry area is self explanatory for most cases. However, there are examples where more than the obvious track circuits are required.
Foul tracks must be included where necessary, to protect moves over the points. By proving the foul track clear in order to move the points away from it, this will prevent a fouling route being set.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
Once a train has passed a signal, its route can be restored but any points, opposing signals etc. ahead of the train must remain locked. This is done by the "route locking", which is indicated by the line of white lights on the signalman's panel.
On the control tables, the route locking of opposing routes and the route locking of points is shown separately (in the route and point control tables respectively). Some railways prefer to produce separate control tables for route locking.
7.1 Route Locking of Signals
Directly opposing signals with no others intervening will be locked against each other and the releasing of this locking must not occur until the train has Cleared all track circuits between the signals. Where an intervening signal occurs, the opposing signals are again locked against each other, the locking being held until the train has cleared all track circuits in the route.
Indirectly locked signals may also require route locking. Where opposing signals do not require direct locking because they require points in opposite positions, route locking may be required if the relevant points are released as a train proceeds through the route. This locking is applied to the route setting (interlocking) controls, regardless of tracks proved dear in the signal controls, to prevent preselection of a route. No example of this situation appears on Fig 1 but if we assume that 7A track is to be divided into separate tracks over the two point ends, indirect route locking would be needed to prevent 9B route from setting after a train had passed 6 signal and cJeared the track locking 103 points.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
Opinion varies as to whether it is best to show route locking between opposing routes on the signal controls of the route which applies the route locking or the route which is locked by the route locking. It is more consistent with other controls to show a route as being locked by the route locking of another route and listing the track circuits required for its release. This is current TfNSW practice.
From the viewpoint of the tester, however, it is often more convenient to show the route locking which is applied by that route with its signal controls, as the contents of the whole sheet can normally be tested at the same time.
Route Locking or Shunt
Route locking must always be provided where main routes lock each other or a shunt route locks a main route. However, as many shunting movements take place into occupied sections, it is impractical to apply the same conditions to many shunt routes.
The options available are:-
a) Do not provide route locking between shunt routes where it is possible that a shunt movement into a section from one direction will be followed by another in the opposite direction to attach locomotives or vehicles.
b) Provide the route locking as for the main routes but provide an additional release by the timed occupation of one or more track circuits after the first movement has come to a stand.
TfNSW practice is normally not to provide route locking between opposing shunt signals. The signalman is responsible for ensuring the first movement has come to a stand before setting the opposing route.
If a timed release was provided it would take the form shown in the table below.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
7.3 Route Locking or Points in the Route
Points are locked by setting a route through them. However, once a train has passed the signal at the entrance to the route, that signal's approach locking will be released, which potentially would release all locking on the points ahead. Route locking is therefore applied to the points to maintain the locking until the train has passed clear of the points.
Points which are situated in the overlap of a route will have there route locking released when the train is proved at a stand at the exit signal in a similar manner to the timed release of shunt route locking described above.
Route locking of points is normally shown on the points.control sheets.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
As previously described main signal controls include an overlap beyond the exit signal. The length of this overlap will depend on the type of signalling, the speed of traffic, whether or not trainstops are fitted and whether or not the signal in rear has been conditionally cleared.
With overlaps up to 500 metres in length, the controls associated with overlaps create considerable additional complexity in the specification of controls.
The general rules for overlap controls for signals are summarised below.
a) Facing points in the overlap are generally left as they are lying.
Exceptions to this are where there is no route forward from the exit signal in that direction, flank protection from sidings etc. would be unnecessarily removed, or the overlap in that direction is locked by a route already set but another overlap is free.
Facing points are not generally locked as they may be required to move to set the next route forward or to change to an alternative overlap (swing the overlap) due to the setting of another route.
b) Trailing points must be set to complete the overlap according to the lie of any previous facing points (in the direction of travel).
Trailing points will be locked unless the overlap is swung clear of them.
c) Track circuits in the selected overlap will be proved clear in the signal aspect controls.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
8.1 Overlap Point Route Locking
Trailing Points in overlaps are set, locked and detected and then route locked in all cases. A timed release of the route locking upon the occupation of the protecting signal's berth track allows the points to be moved once the approaching train has c.ome to a stand.
Usually facing points may lie either normal or reverse in an overlap. If the facing points in an overlap must be locked in one position only, because the overlap to which they would lead is not permitted, then the locking on those points is the same as for trailing points.
The time of track occupation to release the overlap locking will be dependent on the braking performance of trains and the length of the exit signal berth track circuit.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
8.2 Time of Operation Locking
Because facing points in an overlap are not locked, there is a danger that a train over-running into the overlap could reach points close to the signal while they are moving. Some railways attempt to reduce this risk by preventing the points from moving if the exit signal berth track is occupied. This locking would release when the train has timed to a stand.
This is often called "Time of Operation" locking. The maximum distance between the first block joint and the facing points for which time of operation locking will vary in practice according to the type of point operation. British practice uses a minimum distance of 20 metres, extended where necessary up to approximately 50 metres.
8.3 Swinging Overlaps
Where facing points in the overlap can lie in either position creating alternative overlaps, then this is called a swinging overlap. Special controls must be provided to ensure that once a route has been set, it will always have an overlap. The facing points which select the alternative overlaps are generally known as the hinge points.
Where the overlap beyond the hinge points contains further points, then the locking of the hinge points is dependant on the state of the other points beyond them in the overlap. Generally if the points beyond the hinge points are lying in the correct position for the overlap or are free to move to the correct position, then they will be called and locked in the required position. If however the points beyond the hinge points are locked in the wrong position for the overlap by some other control then the hinge points will be called to the alternative overlap position. This indicated by an order of preference note in the control tables or by a note indicating the control being dependant on points being locked. The route locking of the points beyond the hinge points is standard for trailing points in overlaps, except that it is conditional on the lie of the hinge points.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
Once the entrance signal to the route bas cleared overlap maintenance locking is applied to the hinge points to ensure that the points cannot swing to an occupied alternative overlap. This locking is maintained by route locking until the train is timed to a stand on the berth track of the exit signal. During the time that the overlap is in use, the facing points can only be moved provided that the alternative overlap is available.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
8.5 Swinging by conflicting Routes
Routes which conflict with an overlap which is already set will set, lock and detect the hinge points to a position giving a non conflicting overlap, even though the conflicting route would not normally set the hinge points. This would also apply for two overlaps which conflict as well as a route conflicting with an overlap. The setting of points is generally done in sequence, because the hinge points must be moved to the new overlap before the points at the point of confliction can be released for the second route.
In other words, the order of setting must ensure that before the first overlap can be released (by swinging the hinge points), the alternative overlap bas been established.
Examples (Refer with respect to Figure 1 )
In the case of 111 points above, route locking from 19 signal extends only to 28HT because beyond this point overlap maintenance becomes affective.
In the case of 103 points above, the locking shown would be a first preference. The second choice would be to swing 112 normal if 103 were locked normal.
Setting by Track Circuit
Sometimes the hinge points are swung to an alternative overlap position by the occupancy of track circuits within the overlap. This is shown in the 'Set Only by Routes' entry area, with the locking being maintained by the overlap maintenance condition. However care must be taken to ensure that this does not give rise to a restrictive condition, locking out other routes. Each case needs to examined carefully on its operational merits and its affect on other routes.
EXAMPLES (Refer with respect to Figure 1)
If 121 points are lying reverse and 25Ff is occupied by a previous train then calling 121 points normal when 15(M) is set would successfully swing the overlap up to 31 signal and allow 15 signal to clear. However if 25Ff remains occupied then 121 points will be locked normal by the overlap maintenance until the train has. come to a stand at 25 signal. During this time, the routes from 52 and 24 signal will be locked. It may have been more desirable in this case to hold the train at 15 signal and allow movements from the branch instead.
In the case of 7(M)A route swinging 111 points normal if 15CT, 25AT or (25BT w 121N) were occupied would not adversely affect other movements as the new overlap does not conflict with any other routes or overlaps.
Route Table Entries
Point Table Entries.
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